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Flex 추천 사이트

추천 FLEX 사이트

The biggest Flex apps of 2006

04 Jan 07

by Andrew Spaulding

Flex’s biggest year has passed, with the future only opening larger doors with the likes of Apollo etc, but let’s take a look at some of the public Flex applications that launched in 2006:

AFR Access

One of the largest public Flex applications to date, AFR Access is an RIA that uses all the information sources of The Australian Financial Review to deliver news articles, live market information, residential and commercial property trends along with many other news and information services. This site aggregates approximately 20 - 30 feeds from sources such as Reuters, The Australian Stock Exchange, The Wall Street Journal, Aspect Huntley and Map Data Sciences, to name a few.

Sony Ericsson Phone Selector

Browse Mobile Phones, Accessories and more in this online selection and filtering tool. In a similar fashion to the Adobe Flex Store sample application, users can filter the mass selection of phones and accessories with categories such as take photos, play music, surf the net, access email etc.

Kodak EasyShare Gallery

The rename of Ofoto finds this Flex application more tightly integrated with the Kodak family. Kodak EasyShare Gallery provides consumers with an interface to view, store and share their photos or to create photo albums and other specialty products using an intuitive Flex experience.

NOMOS Online

Made with Flex 1.5, Amsterdam Schiphol Airport released a noise monitoring application to display the current noise emission data from aircraft in the area. The data is mapped and updated frequently so you can use this as a real time dashboard. This would make for a perfect Flex Data Services application.


Web 2.0 you say? Well you can’t get any better than this, a photo sharing RIA built with Flex! A nice UI, customized so not to look like a typical Flex app, and a good use of effects and transitions gives this app all the eye candy it needs. But that’s what’s cool about it, along with the free 1Gb of storage. Check it out!


Using Flex and Flash Media Server, Motionbox allows users to share videos online, similar to Youtube. The thing that sets it about however, is the ability to highlight, tag and share segments of videos rather than the entire clip. Using a filmstrip interface, the navigation within the clips is a breeze.

Trenitalia - Viaggia Treno

Trenitalia, the Italian public transport operator launched their Flex 1.5 application that allows users to get all the up to date train time table information in a simple manner. With maps and data readily available the right information is easy to find. A perfect use case for a Rich Internet Application.

Fidelity Labs

Fidelity Investments have been busy with Flex for internal use, but by also releasing some beta projects on the side on www.fidelitylabs.com. Be sure to check out their Savings Rate Finder, Free Checking bank search, Financial Search engine and the Fidelity Mortgage Search.

Belgacom TV Portal

Search for movies and concerts on demand, check out the TV schedule for different regions, broadcasts, languages and/or subscription types. This is an excellent portal into all things on the cable network. Built using Flex 1.5.

ESRI ArcWeb Explorer

ESRI created a set of Web Service API’s for integrating mapping and GIS content into browser, desktop, mobile and server applications. This is more than just a mapping app, the services include functionality to solve business problems such as analyzing demographics or tracking vehicles across locations. The ArcWeb Explorer provides a sample of this functionality.

And some from 2005 that deserve a mention –>

Harley-Davidson Customizer

Ever dreamt of owing a Harley?! Now you can customize the whole bike online with this fantastic Flex app. Choose from hundreds of accessories to truly personalise your next purchase, or just have a play! Easy Rider look out!

Intelligent Finance Mortgage Offset Calculator

Another Flex 1.5 application, this app delivers a mortgage calculator and information about mortgage options to customers all within a single and easy to use interface. Information is presented in multiple formats, both graphical charts and text, allowing the users to visualize their mortgage savings.

Yahoo! Maps

Fully released in 06 (Beta 05). A lot of us seem to forget that Yahoo! Maps is a Flex application. We must just take these kind of online services for granted these days, but Yahoo! Maps provides a fantastic interface to search locations, maps directions, find points of interest etc. And better yet, there is a great API set to help you integrate this with your own RIA or web site.

This is just a small taste of some of the RIA experiences created throughout 2006 by some of the world’s larger and well known names. Please post links and descriptions to other Flex apps released throughout 2006 in the comments.

You can check out some of the other apps on the Adobe Flex Showcase Finder.

Here’s to a bigger and brighter 2007! Cheers!

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